Sunday, January 26, 2020

Civil Marriage In Lebanon Politics Essay

Civil Marriage In Lebanon Politics Essay Civil marriage has lately become a controversial issue in Lebanon. The media has been publicizing it quite intensively. It has even become a political issue debatable by most parties on both side of the political divide. The concept of civil marriage has gained much territory in this country and has already reached a point of no return. As such it can no longer be neglected or forgotten. Nowadays, civil marriage is legalised in most countries. It should, in fact, be encouraged here in Lebanon for several reasons. First, civil marriage is a right for believers and non-believers alike who wish not to marry in any or under the auspices of the religious institutions. In the absence of civil marriage, both believers and non-believers have only one choice: getting married in religious institutions. Civil marriage does not exclude religious ceremonies; it complements them, if so desired. The crux of the matter here is the right of choice. Lebanon does not offer that choice yet. MP Ghassan Mokheiber is one of the few politicians who support civil marriage in Lebanon, it should be one of the basic rights for the Lebanese people (Mahdawi, March 19, 2010). There is, nevertheless, a bright side to this issue. Despite the fact that the Lebanese people are deprived of this right on their own territory, they are, however, not deprived from their countrys recognition of their right to have their civil marriages carried out abroad. So, a couple who engaged in a civil marriage abroad is entitled to have their marriage fully recognized in Lebanon. Upon its return to Lebanon, the couples marriage is both legitimate and legal. Civil Marriage 3 Second, civil marriage is a blessing for men and women from different religious backgrounds who wish to enter into mixed marriage. In fact, it is the best refuge for secular arrangements. The progress of the secular culture has forced a regression of the religious option. This transfer of authority away from religious onto civil jurisdiction means that the power of regulating peoples live now lie in the hands of elected appointed civil officials. The clergy, stripped of its formal authority to regulate peoples civil lives, can no longer influence peoples choices in a secular state. In a country where civil marriage is practiced, the presence of a civil official simply validates the marital bonds of a bride and a groom away from religious conventional practices and authority. It is then a strictly civil affair. A clear illustration is when Rafik, a Druze, and Jeanette, a Catholic, decide to get married in Cyprus. Irrespective of their faiths, they can be joined in matrimony in a country where civil marriage is common practice. Rafik and Jeanette would have encountered several obstacles if they were got married in Lebanon. The first obstacle is that when one member of the couple is obliged to change to the religion of the other member; it seems as a conflict between religions. Given the society in Lebanon, most likely Jeanette will be the one to change. Furthermore, Druzes are not allowed to marry from another faith. Normally, people are born Druze. So, from a Lebanese religious stance, a Druze marrying a Christian would not be possible. Besides, Jeanettes family cannot allow for her to marry into a community other than Christian. Things can become even more complicated knowing that both Jeanette and Rafik are irreligious. Hence, the only solution for Jeanette and Rafik is to get married in Cyprus Civil Marriage 4 before a civil official leaving all their religious troubles as well as their religion-driven social taboos and customs behind them. Upon their return to Lebanon, the Lebanese authorities will legalize their civil marriage. Their married civilian status will then be clearly indicated on all their civilian extracts (No Civil Marriages in Lebanon). Third, civil marriage in Lebanon is a major step toward reinforcing interreligious dialogue. It helps build one Lebanese identity, which, in turn, will lead to a successful and healthy melting pot. One very important political decision consistent with this objective was taken as late as the mid 1990s. It was decreed that the religious denominations on identity cards be banned. This was the only successful of several failed attempts since the 1950s to legalize civil marriage in Lebanon (CopperWiki). Opponents, however, have always had the upper hand probably they were more vocal and more powerful. Their source of power could be either due to their formal position or to their leadership capabilities. One such attempt took place in 1998 when President Elias Hrawi was very close from introducing civil marriage into the Lebanese system. At that time, Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and some other ministers objected (Mahdawi, March 19, 2010). The reason why Hariri didnt accept to sign the bill was that Lebanon is not ready yet. Same as Hariri, and on the other end of the religious panorama, Lebanons Maronite Christian Patriarch, Cardinal Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir, declared that civil marriage is not in the line with the teachings of the Church. He also added that Solidarity with Lebanons Muslim community is a need (Yeranian, May 6, 1998, p.7). These negative voices have appropriately sparked many bitter criticisms. How does he want to establish this solidarity if hes an opponent of civil marriage, in the time that civil marriage Civil Marriage 5 is almost the only solution to live that solidarity? In another trial in 2002, human rights activists re-shed the lights on civil marriage, but unfortunately, without any success (Ajami, August 3, 2007). Finally, the simplicity and the expediency of civil marriage are far more convenient than the traditional ones. One blessing is not to worry about any delays or religious constraints. The presence of a civil official or a judge to join the couple is the only requirement. It is a practical arrangement for couples-to-be. A civil wedding ceremony may be arranged much faster than that of a traditional wedding. Moreover, civil ceremonies tend to be a favorite option given  the budget-conscious couples.  In fact, thousands of singles go through the civil marriage never to regret it. For the Lebanese, Cyprus is Las Vegas. Not for gambling, but à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ for marriage. While Las Vegas is the destination of choice for Americans looking to get married quickly, for the 400 Lebanese couples who travel to Cyprus every years seeking civil marriages, the decision is more calculated, (Luca, August 26, 2009). Besides, it is a most convenient half-an hour away refuge from Lebanon. In Cyprus, an average wedding costs less than $1,000; this sum represents 1% compared to the cost of a marriage that often reached thousands and thousands of dollars in Lebanon (Ajami, August 27, 2007). Civil marriage turns to be some kind of business where there are big financial profits. The famous slogan of Cyprus civil marriage is Just say I doà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ well do the rest.   The rest costs between $1,200 and $1,900. (Luca, August 26, 2009). Civil Marriage 6 Civil Marriage is just one chapter under the much bigger umbrella of civil society reforms that Lebanon needs to undergo badly. Other related problems that need to be addressed with equal urgency and importance include gender equality, child custody and divorce, which are all very closely related. Together with civil marriage, as and when updated, they compose the base for civil society. The current society relies on a complicated mix of religion. The first step towards modernization of our society should be its deconfessionalization. Religious leaders should be told to restrict their role to spiritual business specifically. Once our society turns secular, then other social issues, including civil marriage, would be addressed much more effectively. It is clear now that all the good and valid causes and benefits are there for as an immediate implementation of civil marriage regulations as possible. There is quite a dichotomy in the present situation: Civil marriage isnt allow in Leban on; while it is recognized if perform elsewhere. To many Lebanese the solution is very simple and could satisfy both sides: make of civil marriage a choice for interested couple (Mattar Law). The key to this solution is politicians, taking a courageous decision to launch the appropriate and serious workshop toward the implementation of civil marriages in Lebanon. The quicker such a decision, the quicker the solution. But, will it ever occur? And if so, how soon? Civil Marriage 7

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Secret of Ella and Micha Chapter 16

Current Day Ella I don't know why I'm in here. I started to run down the street with so much adrenaline lashing through me it felt like my chest was going to explode. The rain was pouring down and all I could think about was getting as far away from Micha's house as possible, but my mind caught up with me and I pulled myself back somehow. My clothes drip on the bathroom floor, which is still stained red from her blood. I sit down and hug my knees to my chest, staring at the bathtub. Something died in me when I found her, but I'm not sure what. Maybe my soul. That night, I'd been so determined to go to that stupid party that I left her at the house alone, even though my dad had left me in charge of her. There was one simple rule: keep an eye on mom. And I couldn't even follow it. â€Å"Ella, what are you doing in here?† Micha observes me from the doorway, his clothes and hair drenched with rain. I cuddle my knees against me and squeeze my eyes shut. â€Å"I saw you go to your bedroom with Naomi.† â€Å"Okay†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he sounds confused. â€Å"Why do you sound upset, though?† â€Å"It doesn't matter,† I say. â€Å"None of this matters.† â€Å"Of course it matters.† He sits down beside me and drapes his arm over his knees. â€Å"Otherwise you wouldn't be in here.† â€Å"You're right, it does matter.† I run my finger between the cracks in the tile. â€Å"I don't want you to be with Naomi.† â€Å"Wait a minute. Do you think I hooked up with her?† â€Å"Isn't that what you normally do when you take a girl back to your room?† â€Å"Naomi and I were just talking,† he mutters quietly. â€Å"And I haven't taken a girl back to my room in months.† Hearing him say that makes me feel better and I start to face the inevitable. I can run all I want and try to shut myself down, but my feelings for Micha will always be there – they control me. â€Å"You know, you scared the shit out of me that night,† he says, staring at the bathtub. â€Å"The way you looked when I found you†¦ I don't ever want to see that look in your eyes again – that emptiness.† â€Å"It was my fault.† I let it fall off my chest and crash into the world. â€Å"I was supposed to watch her that night, but I was selfish and thought that stupid party was more important.† He turns my head toward him and looks me in the eyes, so I can see how much he means what he says. â€Å"You're not selfish. You were seventeen and you made a mistake just like every other seventeen-year-old out there does.† â€Å"She died because of my mistake.† The words scratch at my throat. â€Å"If I would have just stayed home like I was supposed to then she wouldn't be dead.† â€Å"You have to let this go,† he says, his voice strained. â€Å"You can't keep blaming yourself for something that was out of your hands.† â€Å"I wish I could have a redo.† Tears sting the corners of my eyes. â€Å"I want to do it over again.† He covers my hand with his. â€Å"I think you might need to talk to someone about this. Otherwise it's going to haunt you forever.† I suck the tears back and wiggle my hand away from his. â€Å"You think I'm going crazy.† He shifts in front of me onto his knees, takes my face in his hands, and forces me to look at him. â€Å"Look at me. No one thinks you're crazy. You're strong, but you've been through a lot of shit and you might need some help working through it.† â€Å"I think I'm more fucked up than you realize,† I say. â€Å"I can't even look in a mirror anymore.† â€Å"That does sound crazy.† He tucks my hair out of my face and takes a good look at me. â€Å"You're beautiful.† I shake my head slowly. â€Å"It's not that. It's something else. Like if I look in the mirror I have to see what's really inside.† â€Å"What's inside isn't bad.† â€Å"Yes, it is. If you knew the truth, you wouldn't want to be with me.† He assesses me closely and then helps me to my feet, pulling me up by the arms. â€Å"What are you doing?† I ask as he steers me by the shoulders to the mirror on the medicine cabinet. I wince at the girl staring back at me; big green eyes, wet hair stuck to her head, and mascara running down her face. I begin to recoil, but he holds me in place and forces me to look at myself. His aqua eyes lock on my reflection. â€Å"When I saw you that night, I felt completely helpless. I loved being able to help you, whether it's if you fell off the roof and needed to go to the hospital or you needed help climbing up a tree. It has always been my thing since we were kids and I loved every second of it, but that night there was absolutely nothing I could do to help you. I never want to feel that way again.† He takes a deep breath and lets it out gradually. â€Å"I love you, Ella May and nothing will ever change that. You can push me away – run away – and I will still love you.† Hot tears pour out of my eyes and down my cheeks. My shoulders start to shake as I turn to him and bury my face into his chest. His arms circle around my waist and he lifts me up. My arms and legs fasten around him like he is my lifeline, and maybe he is. He carries me into my room as I continue to sob and he lies down with me on the bed. It's dark and the music from next door drifts through the open window. Tears spill continuously to downpour from my eyes, and I place my hand over his chest, feeling the beat of his heart. I keep crying years of tears that have been bottled up until finally my eyes run dry. Then I breathe again. Micha I wake up early in morning in a state of panic. Ella is fast asleep in my arms, her eyes swollen from crying, and she's clinging onto me like I'm everything to her. It's what I've always wanted, but something feels unresolved within me and I need to fix it before I get in too deep with her. She needs someone strong and until I face the thing plaguing me, I can't be that for her. But I will be. Carefully, I raise her head from my shoulder and slip out of her room. Her dad's snoring on the couch, there's a broken bottle on the kitchen floor, and the back door is wide open. I lock up and then jump the fence. My yard is trashed with beer bottles and cigarette butts and my mom's car is parked in the driveway. The inside looks just as bad and I feel like a dick for leaving it for my mom to clean up, but if I don't go right now, I'll chicken out. So I hurry to my room, where Ethan's passed out in my bed with his arms and legs hanging over the side. He still has on the clothes from last night and the whole room stinks of stale booze and cigarettes. I stuff some clothes into a bag and collect my keys from the dresser. â€Å"Are you going somewhere?† Ethan sits up from the bed, rubbing his eyes. I swing the bag over my shoulder. â€Å"I'm going on a little road trip. I'll be back in a few days.† He gapes at me. â€Å"By yourself?† â€Å"Yeah, this is something I have to do by myself.† He considers something. â€Å"You're going to see your father, aren't you?† I let out a loud breath. â€Å"Yeah man, but don't say anything, okay?† Ethan nods. â€Å"Alright, if that's what you want me to do.† â€Å"It is.† I open the door. â€Å"And hey, help my mom clean up†¦ and keep an eye on Ella.† He falls back into the bed. â€Å"Alright man, will do.† I grab my wallet and leave the room, wondering who I'm going to be when I come back. Ella I wake up to an empty bed, but try to stay calm. I text Micha and ask him where he is because I'm sure there's an explanation. â€Å"I'm sure it's nothing bad,† I say, but there's an unsettling feeling squeezing inside me. I slip on a pair of shorts and a tank top and go downstairs to head to his house, but Dean, Lila, and a girl with short black hair are sitting at the kitchen table with coffee mugs in front of them. There's a box of doughnuts on the counter and someone's taken out the garbage and cleaned the dishes. â€Å"Oh my God, it's so nice to finally meet you.† The girl with black hair stands up and meets me in the middle of the kitchen. â€Å"Likewise, I guess†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I shake her extended hand, glancing at Lila and then Dean. Dean gets up and brushes crumbs off the front of his button down shirt. â€Å"Ella, this is my fiance, Caroline.† My mouth forms an â€Å"O.† She's not how I pictured her; short and slender, with tan skin and shoulder length wavy hair. She has a vest on over a t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. There's a butterfly tattoo on her wrist and her ears have multiple piercings. I pictured her more prim and proper, by the way my brother showed up looking. â€Å"Dean's told me so much about you,† she says with a genuine smile. â€Å"And I'm finally glad to have a face to attach to the stories he's been telling me.† My eyes wander to Dean and my eyebrows arch up. â€Å"Stories, huh? I'd love to hear these stories.† She doesn't miss a beat. â€Å"Like how you like to draw and how you love cars. He also said you attend UNLV, which is so cool because that's where I went.† â€Å"I thought you said you didn't know where I was,† I say to Dean. He shifts uneasily. â€Å"Dad told me once during like a five minute conversation. But anyway, it's not a big deal, Ella, for me to tell my fiance about my little sister.† â€Å"It kind of is.† My voice carries an underlying meaning that only he will understand. â€Å"All things considering.† Dean hisses through clenched teeth. â€Å"Ella, can you not start this shit. It's too early in the morning.† Caroline glances from Dean to me then back to Dean. â€Å"You weren't lying. You guys' relationship is a little intense.† Removing myself from the conversation, I pull my hair into a ponytail and pour myself a cup of coffee. Breathing in the aroma, I stare out the window, noting that Micha's car isn't next door. â€Å"Where the hell is he?† I mutter to myself. Suddenly, I'm being yanked by the arm out of the room. â€Å"Hey,† I protest as hot coffee spills onto my foot. â€Å"What is your problem?† â€Å"Look.† Dean says once we're in the living room. â€Å"I didn't invite her here. She just showed up to surprise me.† â€Å"So you don't want her here?† I take a sip of my coffee, hiding my amusement. He rubs the back of his neck tensely. â€Å"There's just stuff she doesn't know about me yet and I don't think I'm ready to tell her.† â€Å"You told her about me.† â€Å"But not dad. And not mom either.† I set the cup down on the table and wipe up the coffee from my foot with a towel. â€Å"Okay, so what do you want to do about it?† â€Å"Could you hang out with her for the day, while I pack up the rest of my room?† he asks. â€Å"And then I can get her out of here by tomorrow morning.† â€Å"You should just tell her the truth.† I toss the towel on the couch. â€Å"Avoiding the problem will only catch up with you.† He pulls an annoyed face. â€Å"You're one to talk.† â€Å"I know and I'm working on it.† My voice shakes a little and I clear it. His face is turning red. â€Å"Would you please just keep her busy?† â€Å"I guess.† I shrug. â€Å"But where do you want me to take her?† â€Å"For a drive around the lake or something,† he says. â€Å"I don't care just as long as you keep her away from here.† I collect my coffee and proceed for the kitchen, while he heads for the stairs to finish packing. â€Å"And Ella,† he calls out from the stairway â€Å"You look different today – happier.† I give him a small smile, and then I turn away, wondering what looks different.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About College Personal Statement Essay Samples and How It Can Affect You

Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About College Personal Statement Essay Samples and How It Can Affect You The Debate Over College Personal Statement Essay Samples Professor Mitchell obtained a grant to have a category of students to Belgium as a way to study the EU. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. College goals the way the personality traits. Colleges wish to realize what you're interested in and how you intend to work towards your aims. Thus, in the event you apply to many institutions or courses, you'd want to compose a one of a kind Personal Statement for every one of them. Thus, State University isn't only the ideal spot for me, it is the sole location for me. Most universities will list Personal Statement guides on their websites too, just to provide you with a thought of what it is that they're searching for. The Nuiances of College Personal Statement Essay Samples In the event you were a class president, you may want to write about that. Think of why you wish to attend. Students must prepare just about every single motion that choose and don't have free time for her or his private lifetime. Prior to beginning, the very first thing you ought to see is that the personal statement has become the most significant part your admissions package. A personal statement shouldn't be egotistical, but it shouldn't be modest. It is not a confessional booth. In some instances, your personal statement is going to be focused not on why you need to attend a school program but instead on who you are and why you'd be the proper fit. What You Must Know About College Personal Statement Essay Samples You are able to generate a similar selection of essay regardless of what type the quetion requires. Any numbers you're able to give to demonstrate your success could be crucial even when you're moving into a place where your expertise might appear slightly different. Actually, you're going to be in a position to fulfill while using the author on line and speak about your research. Just because of the fact there are several alternate alternatives for what to put in writing about, additionally, you'll locate distinctive methods of approaching an audio essay. College essays are crucial for academic and admission purposes so once you intend to crack an examination you may require assist. Admissions offic ers wish to understand what's important to you and how your background has shaped you as an individual. In addition to its growing cultural and ethnic diversity, State University is turning into a master at developing a niche for each student. Too many applicants write the things that they think an admissions committee would like to hear. There are hundreds and hundreds of universities and colleges. Many colleges ask for just one essay. Some universities are a bit picky when it has to do with admitting new applicants. It definitely just isn't uncomplicated to create a crucial essay since it requirements a considerable quantity of your time and comprehension. It genuinely is simply not effortless to make a vital essay as it demands a substantial quantity of your time and comprehension. Because that undertaking is intimidating, it's often hard to determine where to get started. Provide power and liveliness when sharing about a specific lesson you learned or an obstacle in your life and the way you could overcome it. Application essays and individual statements enable you to tell a narrative. These seven sample essays respond to a wide range of thought-provoking questions. A college application essay is simply a pe rsuasive essay in which you are working to persuade your reader which you would make an exceptional college student. Take a look at the descriptive essay examples from the site and find a notion for yourself. If, on the flip side, you simply touch on a wide array of topics, you'll wind up with an essay that reads more like a resume. Lots of people truly do not understand how to compose a fantastic personal statement essay. Regardless of what you do, don't ever recycle these essays for at least 1 school. At our essay assistance, essays are always delivered in a brief moment. Tactics to compose a personal statement and the very best essays are the ones which are definitely the most unique. In lots of ways it's one of the toughest essays you will write. Your statement of purpose is the way by which you will make yourself stick out from. Other red flags are not as obvious. Essentially, you're figure out how to coordinate while using the author on line and go over your assignments. Truly, you will can coordinate employing the author on line and speak about your assignments.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Is Adhd over-Diagnosed Among School Children - 1409 Words

Is ADHD Over-diagnosed Among School Children? After reading the review, (Is ADHD over-diagnosed among school children?) by C. Collins, I am in agreement with T. E. Elder in that yes, ADHD is over-diagnosed. I chose to accompany the review by C. Collins with the article, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, which originated from the Facts on File; Issues and Controversies Database. After reading both the review and the article I highly believe that ADHD is definitely over-diagnosed. In the article, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, the disorder is defined, as well as the current treatment for the disorder which tends to be the drug Ritalin. While there are many other drugs available for treatment, Ritalin is the most†¦show more content†¦Parents and teachers have given up on these children and they have been the ones who drop out of school or end up in prison. It is thought that by diagnosing ADHD early and treating it properly, children who might not have had a chance to succeed can now be successful. The advocates for diagnosis of ADHD also point out that the treatment of ADHD with prescription drugs is actually very small and only one out of every three children diagnosed with ADHD is actually treated with prescription drugs (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, para. 45). The article concludes by stating that although most experts have varying ideas and on ADHD they are all in agreement that the disorder needs more research. As I stated previously, I do believe ADHD is over-diagnosed; however, I am in total disagreement with the critics who believe the disorder doesn’t exist at all. Their claim that in the past it was acceptable and expected of children to be hyperactive and rowdy just doesn’t hold water for me. In the past we did not have the knowledge that we do now and as a result children were not diagnosed and either struggled to succeed in school and life or didn’t succeed at all. I am in agreement that many parents, teachers and some experts use the diagnosis of ADHD as an easy answer and way to deal with difficult children. I feel that T. E. Elder also makes a very significant point that the age and maturity of children entering kindergarten alsoShow MoreRelatedOver-Diagnosis Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.1273 Words   |  6 PagesOver-diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder among children and adolescents (UCLA). ADHD/ADD usually becomes apparent in children during preschool and early school years. ADHD/ADD affects 3 percent to 5 percent of approximately two million American children (Frequently). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit DisorderRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1692 Words   |  7 Pagesknown as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is a condition where a person may have trouble focusing, sitting still, or performing day to day executive functions. To those affected, everything is interesting and prioritizing objectives become an afterthought. Several kids are placed on medications in order to combat distraction. While there is no known definite cause of ADD, there has been significant increase in people diagnosed over recent years. There is no arguing that the numberRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay1522 Words   |  7 Pagesdeficit hyperactivity disorder is on the rise. ADHD is classified as a neurological disorder that develops during childhood and can persist into adulthood. There has been conflicted arguments among Doctors, Scientist, Teachers and parents on the topic of ADHD. ADHD is starting to become one of the most diagnosed disorders among children. It is also said that over the past several years adult ADHD is more common. However, some children may not go on to have ADHD or the symptoms may change across the lifespanRead MoreHow Diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is Big Business 1188 Words   |  5 Pages Public awareness of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) went from being under diagnosed to being over diagnosed. These days, teachers, counselors, and parents will diagnose a child with having ADHD disorder if he/she has disruptive beh avior. Yet, the public does not know if ADHD is it an actual psychiatric disorder, a behavioral problem, or a school-based learning and interaction problem. Although it seems that ADHD is a socially constructed disorder rather than a valid neurobiologicalRead More ADHD Medication and Children Essay1429 Words   |  6 Pageschild diagnosed with ADHD. Though there isn’t a test to determine whether or not a child has ADHD many psychiatrists are quick to incline that the child may have this behavioral disorder even though they could just be acting like children. Not only are psychiatrists too quick to diagnose they’re also quick to prescribe medications that have high risks of causing behavioral changes and disruption of the chemical balance within the brain. Children under the age of twelve should never be diagnosed and/orRead MoreAdhd Research Paper783 Words   |  4 Pagesalso known as ADHD, has become a well-known disorder that our ears hear lightly and many don†™t think twice about. Although, ADHD is presented in over 11,000,000 people that are living in the United States (Frank, 2017). ADHD is prevalent in both women and men of all various ages. Once one has this disorder, it stays with them forever. However, many therapists as well as psychologist believe that this disorder is over diagnosed and leads into false and inaccurate prescriptions. Due to ADHD being primarilyRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay1623 Words   |  7 Pages Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition many children and young adult are diagnosed with today. ADHD is caused by the lack of focus, being overactive, or not being able to control certain behavior. There are many symptoms shown that can lead towards the diagnoses of ADHD, but there are no test that can be used to diagnose the disorder in children and young adults. As more people seem to develop the issue, the central question of, â€Å"Is the disorder even needed?†, comes to mind. OneRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )999 Words   |  4 Pageshyperactivity disorder (ADHD) signifies a major public health problem. Diagnoses continue to rise each year, yet the rates of treated ADHD are declining. There is a lot of controversy about treatments for ADHD today. Helpful treatment options like medications and therapies are receiving negative views with many saying that treatment is not necessary or the negatives outweigh the benefits. Those aga inst treatment cite problems like substance abuse and negative side effects. However, ADHD greatly impacts aRead MoreAdhd Research Paper787 Words   |  4 PagesOver Diagnosis of ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, has become a well-known disorder that our ears hear lightly and many don’t think twice about. Although, ADHD is presented in over 11,000,000 people that are living in the United States (Frank, 2017). ADHD is prevalent in both women and men of all various ages. Once one has this disorder, it stays with them forever. However, many therapists as well as psychologist believe that this disorder is over diagnosed andRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Essay986 Words   |  4 Pagesabbreviated as ADHD, is a disorder in which a person has trouble paying attention and focusing on tasks, tends to act without thinking and has trouble sitting still. This condition may begin in early childhood and continue into adulthood. Without treatment ADHD can cause problems at home, school, work and any social gatherings. The disorder sparks up many controversies for the simple fact that the exact cause is not clear or more over not well understood. Because of the lack of information of how ADHD is caused