Saturday, March 21, 2020

Gun Control misc11 essays

Gun Control misc11 essays Are you ready to die? Whats more, are you ready to kill? When you hold a gun anywhere but the firing range youd better be ready and able to use it or die. Dont get me wrong; just because you carry a gun doesnt mean people automatically start being violent towards you but if you get in a fight and someone realizes you have a gun its more than likely that they will pull one and shoot you if they have it. Most people think that a gun will make them invincible but the truth is: Every bullet is another life and every gun is another instrument of death. The more people that carry guns, the more people that die. On the flip side, if nobody but the military carries guns then the people the control the military have free reign over everyone. It is a nice thought to have absolutely nobody carry guns but unfortunately that goes strictly against the human nature that is create to destroy. It is a pessimistic view but unfortunately it has been repeated consistently enough to have backing. I wish there was an easy answer to it all but there isnt. I have come to the conclusion that everyone should be allowed to carry a gun, but everyone should have to go through a psychological evaluation before they can buy one in order to determine whether they are more of a danger to others and themselves with a gun or not. Another stage of getting a gun after that level is to be taught the full consequences of killing a person. It should be a much harder process to get a gun then it is, but after passing; the people should be given a license to carry firearms. ...

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Study for a Philosophy Exam

How to Study for a Philosophy Exam Perhaps youve heard this story: Thirty students are waiting to write a final exam for a philosophy course on the Theory of Knowledge. The professor enters the room, hands out blue books, picks up  a chair, places it on top of a table, and says, You are to write just one essay on this exam. Prove to me that this chair exists. You have two hours. A minute later one student gets up, turns in her answer book and leaves. The rest of the class slave away for two hours, explaining foundationalism, pragmatism, materialism, idealism, and every other ism they think is relevant.  But when the exams are returned, only one essay receives an A- the one turned in early.  The classmates of the student who got the A naturally demand to see her essay.  She shows it them. It consists of two words: What chair? If you have a philosophy final coming up, and youre feeling witty, you could try a strategy like that. But we wouldnt recommend it. Theres a 99.9% probability that in the real world, the two-word essay would have received a big fat F. In the real world, the most important thing to remember is to study for the exam in an active rather than passive way. What does that mean? Passive studying is where you look over your class notes, notes taken from books, old essays. Research has shown that this is not very effective. This may be especially true in philosophy because the abstractness of the material can often make recall difficult. So how can you make your studying active?  Here are four ways. Write Practice Essays, Preferably Timed This is probably the single most valuable exercise you can do. Writing under exam conditions- time limits and no notesforces you to organize what you know, strengthens your ability to recall details (definitions, arguments, objections, etc.), and often prompts original thoughts of your own that you might end up including if you write on the same topic in the exam. Most teachers should  be able and willing to give you sample questions that you can use for this purpose. Read, Keeping Practice Essays in Mind Before writing a practice essay, youll naturally need to prepare by studying the relevant material. But doing this sort of focused, purposeful studying is much better than just scanning many pages of notes and texts and hoping that some of it sticks. Think up Your Own Examples to Illustrate Abstract Points For instance, if youre writing about how utilitarians might be willing to sacrifice individual rights in order to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number, you might think about a group of peeping toms who are all spying on someone in the shower. Its much easier to remember concrete examples than abstract principles; but once you do, youll probably find it easy to  recall the theoretical point the examples are making. Whoever is reading the essay may also give you credit if you use original illustrative examples: it shows you really understand what you are talking about and not just mindlessly repeating what someone else has said. Practice Making Outlines After youve written a practice essay and you have the material fully in mind, draft an outline for the essay youve just written, perhaps with some improvements. Again, this will help to organize your thinking and should help improve your ability to recall the material during the exam. Bottom Line The  mechanical basics of preparing for any  final are pretty much the same for all subjects: get a  good nights sleep; eat a good breakfast (or lunch) so your brain is fueled; make sure you have a spare pen. Some people also think it helps to sleep with the textbook under your pillow. Experts are skeptical about this strategy but, to date, its ineffectiveness has  never been conclusively proved.